Commissioned by a Southern client, this 14″ Peony shade has a lively blend of red flowers and lush green foliage set against a blue background. The shade is shown on the Pony Tree Trunk base.
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Lamp of the Week: 15″ Spider
The 15" Spider shade is one of Tiffany Studios creepiest shade patterns. The three dimensional…
Lamp of the Week: 28″ Lemon Tree with Birds
The 28" Lemon Tree with Birds is a Century Studios original shade design by Bill…
Lamp of the Week: 22″ Wisteria
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Lamp of the Week: 14″ Chestnut
At Century Studios, we occasionally create original shade designs such as this 14" Chestnut pattern…
16″ Geometric Shades
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Happy New Year
Century Studios is closed through Tuesday, January 5th. We will resume regular business hours on…
18″ Turtleback
Turtleback lamps can be created in many colors, shapes, and sizes. This 18" Turtleback shade…
16″ Woodbine
The Woodbine, or Virginia Creeper, is a climbing vine that dramatically shifts color in the…