Two skylights created in 2012 by Century Studios are featured in the March 2015 issue of This Old House Magazine as part of a home renovation.

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16″ Turtleback Lamp
A classic Tiffany Studios design, the 16" Turtleback shade features a decorative band of hand…
Lamp of the Week: 20″ Windswept Daffodil
The 20" Windswept Daffodil is a lively rendition of this bright, cheery springtime flower with…
Smaller Geometric Shades
In between larger projects we are often creating smaller geometric shades. Here is a selection…
Lamp of the Week: 16″ Poinsettia
The 16" Poinsettia shade has a geometric background with a wide decorative border of colorful…
From the Century Studios Archives – 20″ Dragonfly 2014
The multicolored background of this 20" Dragonfly shade was created from a five color, granite…
Lamp of the Week: 18″ Grape
With its lush foliage and fully ripened grapes, the 18" Grape is one of Tiffany…
Cobweb Mosaic Lamp – Part 3
With the 20" Cobweb shade completed, we continued on with finishing the base. The upper…
Lamp of the Week: Mermaid w/Nautilus
Mermaids are legendary aquatic half human, half fish creatures that have appeared in folklore and…