The August heat reminds us that it is time to get back to the cabin and enjoy late summer as the days begin to shorten. Inspired by this time of year, we created this 14” Dragonfly shade using a transparent amber grey glass that has wisps of blue drifting through like wood smoke. Like the embers of a dying campfire, the glowing red jewels that dot the lower half of the shade draw the dragonflies near and light their wings with a rosy glow.
Some years ago we viewed an auction preview in New York City of original lamps by Tiffany Studios. Among the pieces was a Dragonfly lamp made using very transparent grey glass, an intriguing example of unusual glass selected by the studio artisans.

While looking through our glass library recently, we came across a few small sheets of an amber grey glass that we had made during the time that we had access to a glass furnace. The subtle, transparent color inspired us to make a lamp along the lines of the original example viewed so long ago. The red jewels, also custom made, deepen as they reach the bottom of the shade. Due to the airy transparency of the glass, the entire lamp has the delicate sparkle of wood smoke rising up from a campfire.

Shown on the delicate Chinese base (16″ tall), this lamp was made for our studio showroom and has been purchased.