Visitors to our studio showroom are always amazed that we have multiple projects happening concurrently. The overlapping of tasks allows us to give our hands a rest from tasks like cutting and grinding while advancing projects towards completion.
We have completed the 22″ Dragonfly shade for our client in Michigan. Studded with multicolored pressed glass jewels, the background begins as a deep velvety blue that lightens and transitions to green. The red eyed dragonflies surrounding the bottom of the shade have bodies in green rippled glass and orange/amber wings tinged with purple.

The shade is mated with the impressive Large Tree Trunk base (28″ tall) and is finished with a whimsical Pigtail Cap.

Work continues on the 18″ Calamondin Orange Tree lamp. The photo above shows the same section at two different stages of layout.

While Bill Campbell has completed the layout for the entire shade, the remaining four sections are now in the process of being cut and fit. Once all the pieces have been cut, the foiling can begin on this intricate shade.