New to our showroom is the Parakeet and Fish Bowl Window. Adapted from an original Tiffany window design, this piece features colorful birds clustered around a large hanging fish bowl, amid blossoming tree branches. While this is a fairly unlikely situation to be found in nature, the juxtaposition of the brightly colored birds and luminous…
10″ Pony Wisteria
New to the showroom is a 10″ Pony Wisteria Lamp. This Tiffany Studios design packs a large punch into a small package. This remarkable piece is currently available for purchase in our showroom. Starting with a cast bronze openwork crown made specifically for this shade, the blossoms of the Pony Wisteria cascade down the sides…
A Trip to Chicago
This past weekend, Century Studios was closed while we went an a whirlwind trip, driving to Chicago and back. On Sunday we visited the Driehaus Museum in downtown Chicago. This 1880’s Gilded Age home has been meticulously restored by Richard H. Driehaus to its original glory and is open for visitors and tours. In addition…
Closed This Coming Weekend
Century Studios will be closed Saturday May 12 through Tuesday May 15. We will resume regular business hours on Wednesday May 16.
12″ Turtleback Lamp
At the studio, we are usually working on several projects at the same time. At the moment, we have two shades, a lamp base, and two windows going on simultaneously. This may sound counterproductive, but each project is at a different stage of production and gives us the opportunity to vary our work during the…
22″ Nasturtium Shade
The 22″ Nasturtium commissioned by an East Coast client has been completed and delivered. Large shades provide an generous canvas to blend colors. The glass in this large shade contains a plethora of colors and textures, creating unexpected juxtapositions of flat, textured, mottled, streaky, transparent and more opaque glasses. The glasses combine to present a…
Back to Work
We are back from our trip to NYC and are hard at work on several projects. While Irwin solders on a 20″ Geometric shade for a client, Bill is laying out a 16″ Daisy shade. The background, leaves and stems are in place, and he is working on the flower petals now.
Century Studios Will Be Closed
Century Studios will be closed Thursday April 12 through Saturday April 14. We will resume regular business hours on Tuesday April 17.
Studio Tour
This past Thursday, Century Studios hosted a local women’s antiques group with a tour of our studio. The late morning tour lasted about an hour, with many questions and lively comments from the group.We have several projects in progress, and demonstrated how we construct our lamps and windows.
28″ Trumpet Vine Shade Completed
We completed the 28″ Trumpet Vine shade late last week. The glass used to create this shade has an explosion of color and variety. Ring mottled, streaky, fracture and rippled glass make the shade exciting to view from every angle. The glass used for the background of the shade is made from three different fracture/streamer…