A Busy Week at the Studio

With several active projects at different stages, we have spent this past week multitasking. The week began with Irwin Terry completing the soldering on a shade while Bill Campbell continued the layout of an 18″ Wisteria shade. Bill took time mid-week to do some patina work and Irwin moved over to cutting the wisteria pieces that Bill had laid out.

In anticipation of our visit to the bronze foundry this coming Monday, Irwin spent several mornings pouring waxes for lamp bases. The waxes need time to cool in their molds during the day, so Irwin pours waxes in the morning and removes them late afternoon. Later in the week, Bill prepared the waxes for ro the foundry by removing flashing and filling minor surface air bubbles with wax. We will be picking up raw bronze castings at the foundry, so the coming week will be a mix of patina and finish work on the bases while continuing work on the Wisteria shade.

Written by Century Studios