Created in 2012, the Maple Leaf lamp is a Century Studios’ original design. The shade showcases the glories of fall in the Upper Midwest when the leaves brilliantly change colors. Pictured on the Twisted Vine base, this shade is now in a private collection.
More In Lamp
Glass and Lamps
We often get asked how we get our sheet glass to the studio. After the…
18″ Poinsettia & 16″ Acorn
We were commissioned by a client in Michigan to create an 18" Poinsettia shade in…
20″ Jonquil Daffodil
Daffodils come in a variety of colors and sizes, and the 20" Jonquil Daffodil is…
Lamp of the Week – 28″ Daffodil
This 28" Daffodil shade was created in 2010 for a Midwest client. The Spring of…
16″ Fish Shade
One of the final lamps we completed in 2010 was a 16" Fish Shade on…
16″ Geometric Cone
We are pleased to introduce a new shade pattern to our line of reproduction Tiffany…
16″ Daffodil
Daffodils were one of Louis Comfort Tiffany's favorite flowers. There were banks of them on…
Bell Pepper Lamp Base
Century Studios is pleased to introduce a new lamp base to our offerings of Tiffany…
The past two weeks have been a whirlwind of multiple projects with Bill and Irwin…