Century Studios will be closed Thursday August 16 through Monday August 20. We will resume regular business hours on Tuesday August 21.
More In miscellaneous
Letter Openers
Century Studios is pleased to offer four new designs to our line of reproduction Tiffany…
Glass and Lamps
We often get asked how we get our sheet glass to the studio. After the…
A Trip to Chicago
This past weekend, Century Studios was closed while we went an a whirlwind trip, driving…
The past two weeks have been a whirlwind of multiple projects with Bill and Irwin…
Open House
Our Holiday Open House is this Friday, November 18th from 6pm to 9pm! Join us…
Oz Window & Holiday Open House
Bill has been working on another Oz-themed stained glass window - see the posting from…
Studio Tour
On Thursday, March 17th Century Studios hosted a local antiques group for a studio tour…
Closed This Coming Weekend
Century Studios will be closed Saturday May 12 through Tuesday May 15. We will resume…
Closed Today
Because of a monster snowstorm, Century Studios will be closed today. We plan on being…