We recently completed a window for a local client which was inspired by a large Impressionist landscape painting by Monet. For our client’s purposes, we trimmed the image down to a smaller detail of the overall painting. So, we have a bit of landscape with a riot of brightly colored flowers in the foreground – a very colorful window hanging! Windows can be designed at several pricing levels, and this represents the starting point of our window pricing and design.
More In window
Window of the Week: Iris in Summer
Commissioned by a St. Paul client in the early 1990's, this Iris window is installed…
Magnolia Windows
This suite of Magnolia Windows was created for a St. Paul, MN client. The windows…
17″ Bat
Earlier this year, we were commissioned to create a 17" Bat shade by an out…
A local client recently commissioned two Skylights for their cabin/lake home renovation. Each of the…
A Busy Week
Last week at Century Studios, we worked on and/or completed 7 different projects, then capped…
Oz Window
As Irwin completes the soldering on the Renoir window (see posting from June 28, 2010),…
Polychrome Window
Bill has wanted to do a stained glass piece based on this illustration by John…
Peek A Boo Window
Our Peek A Boo Window is the perfect gift for the arts & crafts lover…
The End of November at Century Studios
Once again, Irwin and Bill are working on multiple projects at the same time. Irwin…
Wow-love that one! Well done, guys. -MW