We recently completed a window for a local client which was inspired by a large Impressionist landscape painting by Monet. For our client’s purposes, we trimmed the image down to a smaller detail of the overall painting. So, we have a bit of landscape with a riot of brightly colored flowers in the foreground – a very colorful window hanging! Windows can be designed at several pricing levels, and this represents the starting point of our window pricing and design.
More In window
Renoir Window Part 2
Impressionist images provide an exciting challenge for a stained glass artist. The use of light…
Woman in the Woods Window
We recently had the good fortune to have one of our early windows in the…
Two Recent Projects
We recently completed two commission projects for out of town clients.The first was a 12"…
Peacocks and Peonies
The Peacock window was completed in time to make its debut in our booth at…
Winged Moon
While working on our various commissioned projects, we have also been working on a new…
Window of the Week: Winter
The Winter window was created as a studio piece in the mid-1990's. The window has…
Oz Window & Holiday Open House
Bill has been working on another Oz-themed stained glass window - see the posting from…
Window of the Week: Peacock Window
One of Tiffany Studios' more famous domestic windows is their Peacock Window. We recreated this…
Another Busy Week
Last week was another busy week at Century Studios. We have been working on no…
Wow-love that one! Well done, guys. -MW